Alumni Sidewalk

Almost $40,000 Raised!

Page By Xira Alexander

This year the Alumni Association decided to make an Alumni sidewalk, in which students and Alumni are able to purchase a brick and get a personalized image engraved in it. The proceeds will be used to assist current students.

This is the second year of the Alumni Association meetings that consist of 15 West High Alumni. Every year they meet to decide what the new project will be based on what needs to be focused on.

This will help make the school a better place by beautifying the campus, it helps to raise money for our school, and to create a pioneer trail of success.

The Alumni Association contacted other former students and raised $27,000 in donations to get the sidewalk started. Each brick costs $50 and we have already sold 700 bricks!

This is enough to pay the cost it took to build, with enough left over to go back into the student body. The first use of the money will be to help students pay for dual credit courses.
